A 100% Perfect Walkthrough for Harvest Moon 64. All mechanics explained, all cutscenes, all power nuts, all recipes, all photos and more! Each individual aspect of the game is broken down into easily digestible videos. That way you only have to watch what you need.
This is a pretty simple recipe to get, but let’s go over the requirements:
You’ll need a full grown/milk producing cow
You’ll need to have purchased the milker from Rick’s Tool Shop
This must be the first gift/item you give to Rick during that day.
You must have spoken to Rick at least once since starting your game.
Once you have those two things you’ll just need to milk your cow and hand off that milk to Rick (it can be a small, medium or large milk). You can find Rick in his shop in Flowerbud Village from 10am-6pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, unless it’s a rainy day, in which case his shop is closed and he’s unavailable.
If you want a more detailed breakdown on Rick’s schedule or more detail about Rick in general then make sure to check out my Harvest Moon 64 Player’s Guide that I wrote here: Harvest Moon 64 Player’s Guide
Also be sure to check out our YouTube channel for more retro game walkthroughs and to keep up to date on our Retro Revival Series here: Gerry’s Guides YouTube Channel
To get the Spice Tea recipe from Cliff you’ll need to do the following:
Have a milk or an egg. I would suggest an egg as it’s less money lost to acquire the recipe.
It will need to be winter! Cliff will only give you this recipe in winter.
Cliff needs to of course still be a villager in your town!! Make sure to get the recipe before he (potentially) leaves!
This must be the first item you give to Cliff on that day.
You must have spoken to Cliff at least once since you have started the game
After spring 18th, when Cliff arrives for the first time in Flowerbud village, you should be able to find him on moon mountain between the hours of 9am-5pm most days. He’s typically around the carpenters house or fisherman’s tent.
If you want a more detailed breakdown on Cliff’s schedule or more detail about Cliff in general then make sure to check out my Harvest Moon 64 Player’s Guide that I wrote here: Harvest Moon 64 Player’s Guide
Also be sure to check out our YouTube channel for more retro game walkthroughs and to keep up to date on our Retro Revival Series here: Gerry’s Guides YouTube Channel
In Harvest Moon 64 there is an extremely important underlying affection system for your villagers, pet and farm animals (aside from chickens), however for the most part it is hidden. The only real indication of the villager affection system at work is the different color hearts you see with each bachelorette. The higher her affection the different color the heart.
The exact same thing happens with every other villager, your dog, your horse and your cows and/or sheep. The more you interact with them the higher their affection rating toward you. The max affection for everything in the game is 255 and the starting affection is always 0.
Increasing Villager Affection ::
To increase a villager’s affection toward you, you can do the following:
Give them gifts. Any edible item or flower gifted to a villager will increase their affection toward you (there are few exceptions to this rule. My player’s guide goes extremely in depth on this subject for each villager).
Talk to them. Each time you talk to them their affection will increase. The very first time you talk to them you will get a bonus affection boost.
Interact with them in scene’s. In certain scene’s you will have the ability to gain affection with a villager.
Increasing Your Dog’s Affection:
Feed him every day! If you don’t feed him you will lose 1 affection point each day until his affection reaches 0.
Pick him up every day. This increases his affection by one point.
Whistle to him every day to gain another one point affection increase.
Increasing Your Horse’s Affection:
Brush it. Each day you brush your horse you gain 2 affection
Talk to it (Young) or ride it (Grown) and you will gain another affection point
Whistling to it once per day increases its affection one point.
Increasing Your Barn Animal’s Affection:
Due to massively broken mechanics this is actually extremely complicated. Just know that brushing, talking to your barn animals and milking or shearing them all push their affection totals up. If you want more in depth info, check out the guide I wrote.
Other Stuffffff:
If you want way way way more in depth information about any of this then check out my 336 page Harvest Moon 64 Player’s Guide I wrote here: Harvest Moon 64 Player’s Guide
Getting 100% On Harvest Moon 64’s Hidden Farm Completion Menu
Today we’re going to uncover the requirements to get 100% completion on Harvest Moon 64’s hidden farm completion menu. We’ll first go over how to unlock the menu and then go over the requirements to get see that sweet perfect 100%!
Unlocking The Hidden Menu:
Japanese Farm Completion MenuEnglish Farm Completion Menu
In the Japanese version of Harvest Moon 64 this menu always existed, no codes needed. However in the US release the menu was scrapped from the game! What????!!!!! Luckily KhalaHM on GameFAQs forum discovered it existed and created gameshark codes to unlock the hidden (and fully translated) menu. If you’re using an emulator however, you can use my ROM hack that enables the menu to be accessible from the get go. No game shark codes needed! Special thanks to Zoinkity from Assembler games for helpin me create the ROM hack!
Gameshark Cheat:
To use the gameshark cheat you will first need to enter the following code:
D1170404 0020
801D62BD 0002
Invisible Menu Item
Then you will have to start the game, go to the file selection menu, hover your cursor over the “Delete” button and press the L Button. Press down on the control stick and you should now see your cursor hovering over a hidden menu item. Click the A button and the farm completion menu will present itself! Yea!!
The ROM Hack:
If you are emulating and you’d prefer to just use my ROM hack, you can download it here: ROM Hack DL
You now will no longer need the gameshark cheat you will just need to move your cursor to the invisible menu item below the “Move” menu item on the file selection page.
How To Get 100% On The Farm Completion Menu:
To get 100% on the farm completion menu you need to do the following:
All Bachelor and Bachelorette affections must be at their maximum (255 is max)
Child’s Affection at 255
Horse and Dog’s Affection at 255
Have 8 barn animals with their affection at 255
Own 6 chickens
Ship 99,999 Crops
Ship 9,999 Eggs
Ship 9,999 Milk Bottles
Ship 999 Fish
Have 999,999G (Gold/Money)
Collected all 10 Red Power Nuts (The blue power nut does not count)
Collect all 16 photos
Collect all 35 recipes
Have all 6 home extensions
Have all 480 squares of outdoor farmland be grass
Have player happiness at 255
DO NOT USE GAMESHARK CHEATS (Byte flips for special events will not occur correctly, in turn making your percentage completion inaccurate)
That’s it! It took me ~100 hours to reach 100% completion, but I love Harvest Moon 64 so I had a blast doin it.
If you don’t know what I mean by affection and happiness in the requirements above, here are a couple videos I made to explain what they are:
Farm Completion Glitches:
It should be noted that there are several significant glitches for the farm completion menu. They are the following:
100% completion is actually 99% completion. Due to a float truncation error that occurs when the game tries to add everything up, the farm completion menu displays a completion percentage of 99% rather than 100%, but rest assured 99% definitely equates to 100% completion.
The farm completion menu occasionally stops calculating… I don’t know why for sure. This occurred for me only when I was utilizing gameshark codes to test out completion percentages. So yet another reason not to use gameshark codes to achieve this feat.
The farm completion menu will stop calculating if you have two farms with identical names. So don’t copy you file to other available slots or name another files farm the same as your current file. You’ll be sad and there’s no fixing it after you’ve done it.
The End:
That’s it for this post! Be sure to check back in the future for more!